
Friday, October 11, 2013

Mythology:The WIcked BOOk Blitz Book Release Day!!!

Peeps this book we have been craving, dying, getting no sleep because we want it so bad if finally out *fan girl squeal* how exciting is this amazing news??
Book Description
A demon with a pure heart, Micah Condie lives his life by a code of ethics, but breaking that code may be the only way for him to survive. A supernatural entity in her own right, Hope Gentry would do anything in her power to protect her loved ones, but she may be the one who puts them in peril.
When the Demon Impiorum challenges the laws that keep guardians and demons in balance, ancient enforcers of justice intervene. Micah, Hope, and their mentor Jonathan become entangled in a conspiracy that will test even the deepest love and trust.
Someone will commit an act of betrayal. Someone will forever abandon a loved one.
Someone will enter THE WICKED.

Buy the book here Amazon
or here Barnes & Nobel

 MYTHOLOGY (Mythology #1)
Book Description
Hope Gentry doesn’t believe in Fate. Born with an unusual power to see the dark memories of those around her, Hope just wants to be a normal teenager. But on the first day of her senior year of high school, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to a transfer student named Micah Condie. At first glance, Micah seems like a boy that most girls would dream about. But when Hope's powers allow her to discover Micah's darkest secret, she quickly becomes entangled in the lives of mythical entities she never dreamed existed. Was this her destiny all along? And will her powers help her survive the evil of the Demon Impiorum?
Mythology isn’t just for English class anymore.
The Amazing author Helen Boswell


Originally from upstate New York, Helen Boswell spent several years of her early adult life tromping around in the city of Buffalo with frequent trips to Toronto, Canada. These two cities in particular serve as inspirational settings for her urban fantasies, and while Helen has since moved to live in the southwestern United States, she will have fond memories of urban life and high-heeled sneakers for all eternity.
Helen earned her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University at Buffalo and dedicates her time to teaching biology and other fun things to college students, spending time with her wonderful family, and eating chocolate while writing.
The YA urban fantasy MYTHOLOGY is her first novel and the first one in the Mythology Series.
Find out more about Helen at
Or follow her on twitter Helen
And Follow the star of this book Micah on twitter Micah
Interview with the lovely star himself :) enjoy ;)

Thank you so much for joining us BFF *smiles at you* we hope you have fun. Now please take a seat where ever you’d like, oh and here *hands you brownies and water* Jazzy and I thought you’d might like a snack.
Jazzy-*giggles and looks at you seriously* So Micah, how do you think you would fair against the Winchester brothers?  Please say you know who they are.
Hello, ladies. So nice to visit your blog today. Thanks for hosting me and for the brownies *takes one*. Now as for your question about Sam and Dean? I like those guys and have no reason to fight them. Yet. *evil smiles*
Meg-*trying to keep a serious face* Does your relationship with Jonathan turn into a bro-mance? 
Haha. Uh, that would be a huge fat “no.” Pretty much the opposite of that, actually.
Jazzy-*crosses legs and looks at you, patiently waiting for answer* what is your favorite horror movie? And why?
I like the original Wes Craven movies like Nightmare on Elm Street instead of the newly remade stuff. Or the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Because they’re scarier :)
Meg-*smiles brightly* Now I can’t wait to see what kind of music you like so If you could see anybody in concert who would it be?
I’ve always wanted to see Coldplay. Maybe Hope will hook me up one of these days, huh?
Jazzy-*smiles encouragingly at you* what do you want people to learn from your story?
I think one of the biggest themes of this book is about justice. We need to be very careful about how we judge people and their actions.
Meg-*Gives you a pointed look* So Micah is there anything that we should know, before we read your book?
Hmm… *ponders this* You should know that it’s going to be quite the ride, but that everything we do is for a good reason (even if we don’t know what that reason is) *glares at author*
Jazzy-*leans closer to you and smiles* So Micah If you could do anything in the world, what would it be and why?
Career-wise, you mean? I want to go into law, ideally follow in the footsteps of my boss Jack Williamson. Demon district attorney, can you see it?
Meg-*laughs* yes totally random but Pepsi or coke?
Coke. I actually drink a few of them in book two. *looks around for endorsement check*
Jazzy-*sits back and gives you a quizzical look*Why do you have such a problem with swearing?
It’s how I was raised. *whispers* But I may throw a few swear words out there in book two because of extreme circumstances. Don’t judge me and don’t tell my mom.
Alright Micah we have thrown in some would you rather or yes and no questions so be prepared*giggles* some are quite silly.
Uh oh.
Meg,Jazzy *both siting at the edge of our seat* After high school, do you plan on proposing to Hope? Yes or No
Meg-*shudder and looks at you* would you rather be a girl for a day? OR get your soul ripped out?
Haha. I’d rather be a girl for a day. I had my soul ripped out before, and it’s not something I care to go through again.
Jazzy-*takes a pen and paper out* ok I need new music so do you think there is a song that describes you and Hope’s relationship?
For book two? Demons by Imagine Dragons. Yeah, yeah, I know I’m very original. It fits, though.
Meg-*looks at you sadly* what is the one thing that you regret the most?
Accidentally hurting my mom. After book two, I have another huge regret, but I can’t tell you about that yet.
Jazzy-*grins at you* what is the one thing in life that scares you the most? *nudges you* come on something must frighten you.
Ravens kind of freak me out. You can thank Poe for that one.
Meg-*glares at you* So BFF do you think that we will need Kleenex and chocolate while reading this book? *rolls up sleeves* better hope not mister.
Yes. Definitely yes. *hands you both*
Jazzy-*Burst out laugh while asking the question* would you rather get a tattoo of Hope on your butt OR eat raw meat?
Oh man, really? Ummm…. I guess… the meat?
Meg-*hands you a napkin after you spat out water thanks to the last question* If there was one book that you could live in, what would it be and why?
Huh. That’s a tough one because I already live in a book. I think I need to stay in mine so I can work things out before I move on to another one. Sorry for the lame answer. :)
Jazzy-*sighs and looks at you adoringly* what is your ideal date that you want to take Hope on?
Ideal date would mean I’d give her the choice of three places she wanted to go and fly her blindfolded to one of them. I’ve actually tried this before, but we wound up making out in the sky and didn’t get very far. *blushes* And then there was that whole curfew thing that she has nowadays.
Meg-*grabs your hand looks at you* If you could go on vacation with Hope, where would you take her?
We talked about this over our semester break – we threw darts on a map and planned it all out. I think we decided that we’d go to Africa, Australia, Japan, the Mediterranean, and Indonesia. Not necessarily in that order.
Jazzy,Meg-*both say at the same time* Can we interview you, Hope and Jonathan sometime soon?
You bet. We’d be happy to come visit you. Any time.
Thank you again Micah for joining us today *shrugs and giggles* we really hope you enjoyed the random awesomeness of these questions. After book two we will probably have many more question for you *both give you a giant hug*
*hugs you back* Thanks for having me, Meggy and Jazzy. :)


 (fan art by Megan)


I close the door as softly as possible, whispering, “Hey, we need to keep our voices d–”

But Micah’s not by the window anymore, and he grabs me in a hug. I twist around to face him, noticing that his clothes already feel dry if not a little steamy. But those thoughts drop to the floor along with the towel as he pulls me even closer.

His skin is so warm.

His lips press against mine and are even warmer.

He smells like summer, like the warm air right after it rains. I stand on my toes and slide my arms up and around his neck. One of his hands laces through my hair, and the other presses against the small of my back. His mouth opens, the heat from his kiss transferring to me and melting away my stress from the night.

A tiny part of me wonders why he came back tonight, if something else happened, or if he didn’t want to be alone because of what happened to Jack. But it’s getting harder to think rationally with Micah kissing me like this.

Want to become a character in Book Three or win other cool prizes?

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  1. Thank you for hosting me, ladies! Always a pleasure to see you. :)


    1. anytime Micah thank you again for coming it was fun xo
