Saturday, April 30, 2016
~Release Day Blitz & Sale Blitz~ Bella Box Set Vol. 1-4 by Kimberly Blalock
Release & Sale Blitz
Title: Bella Box Set Vol. 1-4
Series: A Sagatori family saga A Mafia Romance
Author: Kimberly Blalock
Release Date: April 30th
Bella vol. 1
My name is Isabella Sagatori. To my father I’m a princess, to others I’m an opportunity. They call me the mafia princess.
My life had been beautiful, I’d never wanted for anything. I took each day as it came and embraced it with Insight, laughter, and love. I chose not to live in the dark shadows,
until now.
Skip ahead and here I am running for my life, for my father’s life, and for my freedom. Darkness lingered and my father offered my hand to the boss of the Chicago outfit to ensure my protection.
Jax Moretti came into my life as a hero and then claimed me as his own. He claimed he'd only wanted to protect me, but the dark shadows that lingered in his told a different story.
Nothing that belongs to this earth is ever free. Until I met Jax Moretti I couldn’t have known how true that could be.
Bella vol.2
Taking over this family isn’t going to be easy. There are a lot of things that have been left undealt with. A lot of people need reminding of the man I am; what I can do to them, what I can have done to them. I control the cards. I determine what happens. The outcome is in my hands. I am the king.
Weakness isn’t a possibility. I’m not weak. I don’t cry or tell a sob story. Why would I? I wanted to be like my father; strong, willful, powerful. I wanted to make him proud. Jax will keep me as his bride and I will fight back. My words will be silent, my actions controlled. And when he least expects it -when I least expect it- I will do the unthinkable, unimaginable, in my world.
Bella vol.3
“Head of the family” is not an easy job title. There is a darkness within those words, a common set of traits the boss of bosses must possess and codes he must follow in order to fulfil his duty. Famiglia first. Always thinking of the family. But now, I find myself thinking of her. Sitting at my desk, calling the shots, even pulling the trigger has become a daunting task. Not because I don’t want to or can’t, but because all I want to do is imagine what it would feel like with my body wrapped around hers.
Should I feel as though this is the life I want? Should I see the good for all it is and accept the bad as it comes? He’s different, I’m different. Maybe it’s the way his eyes glisten now or the fact that they are even darker at times. I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if Jax could love me. I know that I’m imagining things at night when he asks me to stay with him in his bed. I feel him watch me. But what if I wasn’t imagining it, what would that mean?
Bella vol.4
I hated him for the things he took from me. I hated him for the love he refused me. But after all of the hate and anger, I knew without a doubt that I was irrevocably in love with Jax Moretti. I'm a woman born into a man's world. I've stood tall and held my own knowing the people that wanted my family in the ground, weren't far behind and soon they'd be exactly where I want them to be.
My name is Isabella Sagatori-Moretti. I will protect my family.
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About the Author

Kimberly has been writing since she was a young girl growing up in Kansas City, Mo. Reading and writing has always been a big part of her life. She enjoys a world she can get lost in while reading a good book. A wife and mother to four beautiful children she decided she wasn't busy enough. She spent some time chasing down fugitives as a bounty hunter then laid down her hand cuffs and finished her college degree in nursing.
Kimberly loves discovering new music to jam out to and loves anything that's different. When Kimberly isn't writing or playing superhero for her children, she takes care of her patients as a Registered nurse in the field of hospice.
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Friday, April 29, 2016
Playing the Game, Derek Backhard by Shawnte Borris
Playing the Game, Derek Backhard by Shawnte Borris
Release Date: March 30, 2016
Genre: Romance, Sports Romance
Tour Dates: April 29, 2016
Until the unthinkable happened, and everything about his life shifted. Past priorities fell away the moment he held baby Ryder in his arms mere moments after losing his close friend, and Ryder's father, Brad.
After weeks of watching Liz fall apart over the loss of her husband as she struggled to adjust to life as a single parent, Derek vows to give her and Ryder everything they deserve, creating a life he never knew he always wanted.
Rocked to her core by her changing feelings for him, Liz doesn’t know what to do with Derek or his offer. Uncertainty swirls within her as she leans on her lifelong friend during the hard times, but how much of his attention is real, and how much is pity?
Is she strong enough to let him in and let him take care of her, or will she force him away and back into the life she thinks he really wants?
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Can you tell us a little about Playing the Game?
PTG wasn’t supposed to happen at first. *spoiler* I had no plan to write a series until Brad died in book one and as I grieved him, yes I grieved him too as it was also a shock to me that he died. Brad kept talking and talking that he wanted his scene to be written, he wanted his own book but I had to figure out a way to make that happen. Yes the book is about Derek but that is why Brad shadows the book so much.
Playing the Game is actually the second book in The Game series, do readers need to read the first book in order to completely understand and enjoy Playing the Game?
Absolutely you need to read book one. You need to get to know each character first and why they say and do the stuff that they do. Yes in book two they’ve grown, but I still feel it’s very important that you understand the development and bond they all have together.
What can you tell us about the first book, The Game?
The Game was written all in fun. Kirsten is my other half really, I’m very straight-shooting and I don’t give anything away when I make a business deal. I am often told I am a very hard person to read which sometimes comes off that I am a b*tch, just like Kirsten. If I changed professions and went into business, Kirsten is exactly how I want to be. I also have a strong bond with my high school friend twenty years later so it was important to me that Kirsten had that too.
What was the inspiration for Playing the Game?
Easy, I wrote a book about my ultra-ego. LOL
What about hockey and the NFL draws you in?
I’m not sure what draws me to hockey, besides that I’m Canadian and it’s a passion we share. When I watch the games at home, I’m loud. I talked to the players, give the coach my coaching opinions and I yell when stupid moves are made. Yet, when I go to a live game I sit and front of my seat never taking my eyes off the ice and I’m as quiet as a mouse. I really am the most boring person to take to a game. As for the NFL, I don’t watch and when I do, I’m lost because it different rules then the CFL.
Do you have a favorite hockey player or team?
My favorite team is the Oilers, there are my home team (you don’t cheer for another team other than your home team, that is just wrong) and don’t make fun of my team either because what you are going to poke fun at me with, I make the same statements. LOL! I don’t have a favorite player because it’s a team effort, not one play is better than another.
While writing Playing the Game plot and outline? If so did you follow it, or did it go off track and turn out differently than excepted?
I write an outline plot for every book and character, however when I start writing and developing each character they start to take over. I have yet to actually write a book that looks anything like my plot and outline. My books always turn out different when what’s in my head when I start to write.
How much control do your characters have over the outcome of the book? Did they throw any curve balls balls at you in Playing the Game?
Yes, the characters have a lot of control over my work, apparently. I find they all become bossy. Definitely curve balls are thrown in, such as Brad- he was not to die and Derek was to finish out his playing career due to an injury, not by choice.
Describe Derek in five words.
Dominate, Fierce, Loving, Caretaker and HOT
Describe Liz in five words.
Soft, Outgoing, Quiet, Nurturing and Passionate
What was going through Derek’s mind when he first held Liz’s son, Ryder?
I think tons of emotions were running through his head at one time. It’s hard to pin point which one to really focus on, a lot was happening at his point in time of the book.
Do you have a favorite scene/moment in Playing the Game?
Chapter twelve is one of my favorites because it’s real life. My favorite line is “Press Cougar Claudia.” LOL it still makes me laugh.
Do you identify with any of the characters in Playing the Game?
I have Kirsten work ethic but I also am entune to Liz’s nurturing.
Do you plan to write more about any of the characters in Playing the Game? Maybe one of Derek’s team members?
Adam and Caroline’s story is next followed by Logan and Steve’s. So far I have no plan to write another hockey book but if I was, I think Jonesy would get a book.
Do you aim for a certain number of pages or words each day?
No, I’m an erratic writer. With so much going on, on the farm at different times of the year it’s hard to sit and write some days. One day I will write eight pages, the next three days nothing then fifteen pages. My goal is to get two books out a year… maybe three.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I didn’t know I wanted to become an author, it wasn’t my intent at all. I have my schooling to teach special needs children and when I stopped teaching to have my family, writing found me when my youngest started kindergarten full time.
You have a number of books released, do you have a favorite?
Currently I have six books published with hopefully two more on the way this year and two more covers complete after that… with another one being developed in August.
When you’re not writing, what can you be found doing?
Reading, traveling, farming, 4H and of course chilling with my family and friends.
What are you writing now? Anything you can tell us about it?
When I come back from A Weekend With The Authors, in Nashville in May I am going to be starting an MC (motorcycle series) Waking Up In Leather. It’s not going to be your traditional MC book, it will focus more on romance but of course there will be crude things involved.
What is something that you find particularly challenging about writing or being an author in general?
The most challenging for me is to stick to deadlines, I absolutely SUCK at them. The other is reaching out to my readers, I wish there was additional ways to meet more of them, find out their story. I love book signings for this reason I don’t necessarily sell myself, I’d much rather meet the readers.
What advice would you give to writers just starting out?
Write for you and no one else! You will not please everyone and nor should you. Write because it’s a passion for you, not for another way to make an income- because it’s that’s the case you will be eating mac and cheese forever.
Do you have any writing rituals? Anything you must have while writing? Coffee? Candy? etc.
Candy, I eat so much candy it’s sickening really and when I edit I binge eat everything.
Who influenced your writing/life the most?
No one influences my writing because I write for me and what I want to read. But I will say this journey all started when I was thirty and I read my first ever book beginning to cover, then the entire series in three days. Thanks to Twilight.
Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?
I truly can’t thank my readers and bloggers enough. This past year was a nightmare and each and every reader and blogger stuck by me till the bitter end and for that they will always have my gratitude.
What are the names of your published books and where can we purchase them?
With Love
The Game
Playing The Game
Falling For Bentley
Catching Haley
Haley & Bentley
All my books are available where most e-books are sold
What is next for you?
Waking Up In Leather (MC Series) 2016
He’s My Home (spin off to Falling For Bentley Series) Travis & Whitney 2016
Strings (YA) 2017
Fear (MMA) 2017
Breakaway (YA) 2018
Fighting The Game (??) Adam & Caroline
Negotiating The Game (??) Steve & Logan
What reviewers are saying...
“I have been anticipating this book forever and I can happily say I was not disappointed.” Sweet Love
“I loved the part with Press Cougar Claudia.” Rebecca A
“Pages were so well written and you feel the emotion of the characters point of view.” CeeJays Reading Review
“Such a refreshing story.” T. Cantu
“The perfect sequel to The Game. Just like in all of Shawnte's books, Playing The Game gives the reader exactly what they are looking and hoping for.” Ariel
“5 hockey puck stars!!!” Melissa M
“If you enjoy funny banter, crazy best friends, and sweet and supportive friends then this is a series for you.” Keri Q
“WOW!! Awesome book!! I thought I loved Derek from The Game until I read this book! My love & admiration for this character is 100 times more!!” Jenny S
“This book tugged at everything in my heart, oh man, all the feels. Shawnte wrote the hell out of this book.” Silvia S
“Story worth reading, it tender, it grabs you by your heart and you shed tears and then laugh.” Jara B
All about the Author:
Shawnte is an international bestselling romance author with her Falling for Bentley series. She hales from central Alberta, Canada. Where she is a mother of two and co-owns a cow/calf operation with her husband of twelve years. As much as she fusses about farming, she enjoys the rural living lifestyle it offers.
When Shawnté is not sitting at her kitchen table hammering away on her laptop while watching the moose chase her cows across the yard, yes this really happens. Then she is busy attend school activities, community events and chauffeuring children here and there. She is big on playing softball and watching hockey.
When the time comes to relax, you will find her snuggled underneath her down comforter reading on her Ipad. Wait…who are we kidding, if the dishes, vacuuming, laundry or the bathrooms needs a hose down, you’ll always hear her say, “Just after this chapter.” She doesn’t have a favorite author or best story because everyday she falls in love with someone new.
You will find Shawnte on Facebook, Twitter and TSU. Please go like her page and leave a review/star rating on the books she’s wrote that you fell in love with.
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~Cover Reveal~ Sexiest Couple Alive by M. Clarke
Title: Sexiest Couple Alive
Author: M Clarke
Genre: New Adult
Expected Release Date: May 23rd, 2016
Cover Designer: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design & Photography
Photographer: Michael Allen Photography
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Nathan Cross is living his dream. Not only is he modeling for Knight Fashion Magazine, recently voted “sexiest man alive,” but he is dating a beautiful photographer who could be his new future. When he unexpectedly reunites with his past love, his world crashes around him. Two loves. The past or the future: which one will he choose?
Olivia’s past choices come back to haunt her and could ruin everything she has worked so hard to build. Troy has the power to destroy any hope of happiness. She will do everything to keep that from happening, even if it means giving up her second chance with Nathan. Lies. Revenge. Scandal. Olivia could lose it all.

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iBook: coming soon
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BN: coming soon
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#Free with #kindleunlimited for a short time
iBooks: coming May 17th
BN: coming May 17th
Kobo: coming May 17th
Love can heal and love can make you soar, but Nate’s expression said my love had broken him. The thought of Nate not knowing how much I wanted him back shattered me. As his eyes filled with utter confusion, he waited for me to continue.
“Then why didn’t you ask me?” Nate scowled. “What changed your mind? Or should I say who changed your mind?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. Instead, he gripped his hair with his fists and walked away.
“It isn’t what you think.” I searched for the best words to explain.
I might have screwed up finding the right words. It was hard to concentrate with him standing there shirtless, water dripping slowly down his chest from his wet hair. God, he looked sexy as hell. He had no idea what he was doing to me. I wanted to lick every single drop. In my mind, my hands traveled all over his toned chest, wiping away the water like I was his towel.
Nate glared at me, unbelieving, as if he expected me to lie. Then he rushed to me and punched the wall with an expression of rage I’d never seen. His body so close to mine, almost touching, caused my focus to slip away.
“Don’t fuck with me, Olie,” he gritted through his teeth. “It isn’t what I think? I wasn’t given the chance to think.” He pointed to himself. “There wasn’t much to think when I saw Troy practically on top of you.”
I had known that moment would cause me problems. Nate’s expression eased when I began to tremble. His anger and how he’d reacted seemed to surprise him, too. I found my composure again and continued before he had another episode that was so out of character. There was no going back.
“I couldn’t tell you because of Troy. Not because I wanted to be with him, but because I was scared of him.”
“What?” His eyebrows pinched at the center, and his pitch rose again. “What do you mean you were afraid of him? Did he threaten you? Did he hurt you?”
When I nodded through unrelenting tears, Nate guided me to the bed with his hand on my back. I wiped my cheeks and sat next to him. His proximity drove me insane, especially when my hand accidently grazed his chest.
“Tell me everything.” he said softly, but it was more of a demand. I could tell his anger had turned toward Troy and away from me.
~Cover Reveal~ Working Stiff: Casimir (Inheritance Trilogy #1) by Blair Babylon
Working Stiff: Casimir
Blair Babylon
(Inheritance Trilogy, #1)
Publication date: May 17th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Here’s the problem: when Rox was hired, she told her smoking-hot boss Cash that she was married, but she’s not. Now, three years later, she’s kind of accidentally living with him, and he’s being a perfect gentleman, dang it.
Everybody in the office said that Cash was a heartbreaker, that he’d bump her and dump her, so Rox decided not to become a statistic. She went out and bought herself some rings of the finest cubic zirconia so that she could work with Cash, who was several inches over six feet tall, emerald-eyed, ripped, gorgeous, his tailored suit clinging to his athletic body, sporting a British accent, and loaded.
It had seemed like such a good plan at the time.
But now, three years later, she and Cash have become friends. They travel together for work often, and they’re the best of buddies.When Rox gets thrown out of her apartment, Cash insists that she come live with him until they can find her a place because that’s what friends do.
Now, even though everyone insists that Cash never goes after married women, something about him has changed. There are little touches, little slips, and Rox is more and more tempted to tell hunky, gorgeous Cash that she never was married.
And then he’ll take her and break her, and then he’ll walk away, and then she’ll lose her job, and she still hasn’t found a place to live.
And yet, every time her looks at her with mischief in his dark green eyes, every time they’re teasing and it somehow turns into tickling, every time she swats at him and somehow ends up in his arms, she wants so much to risk everything.
What’s a working stiff to do when she falls in love with her friend, the boss?
Author Bio:
Blair Babylon often releases ebooks at a special release-day price of 99c.
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Blair Babylon is the nom de plume of an award-winning, USA Today-bestselling author who used to publish literary fiction. Because professional reviews of her other fiction usually included the caveat that there was too much deviant sex and too much interesting plot, she decided to abandon all literary pretensions, let her freak flag fly, and write hot, sexy, erotic romance, plus wild, suspenseful thrillers, science fiction, and urban fantasy using the super-secret pen name Blair C. Babylon.
~Release Day Blitz~ Cruel Summer by Amber Lynn Natusch
From Amazon Bestselling Author Amber Lynn Natusch
Isadora Lancaster is in hell.
She passed on a European vacation with her parents, choosing instead to spend an amazing summer with her boyfriend. But that plan changed when she walked in on him and another woman.
Now Izzy’s stuck in a town she’s avoided since high school, and has to face uncomfortable truths about her past—including the best friend that abandoned her during their senior year. The boy that broke her heart.
"1982: Cruel Summer" is a stand-alone, new adult romance novella.
Before the internet…before sext messages, selfies, like buttons, and d**k picks…epic loves and broken hearts played out offline, on mixtapes that became the self-made soundtracks of a generation.
Love in the 80s: A New Adult Mix is a collection of ten contemporary romance, new adult, stand-alone novellas set in the 1980s.
Written by award-winning and bestselling authors, one digital novella will be released on the last Friday of each month January - October in 2016.
The title of each love story will be a hit song from the year that the novella represents. The totally awesome authors include: Casey L. Bond, Lindy Zart, Cambria Hebert, Amber Lynn Natusch, Misty Provencher, Rebecca Yarros, Rachel Higginson, RK Ryals, Cameo Renae and Chelsea Fine.
Love in the 80s: A New Adult Mix was created by UTOPiAcon founder, Janet Wallace, and is co-produced with award-winning book cover designer, Regina Wamba (together they are WaWa Productions).
1983: Cruel Summer
by Amber Lynn Natusch
A Love in the 80's: A New Adult Mixtape Vol. 3
New Adult
Contemporary Romance
Publication Date
April 29, 2016

About Amber Lynn Natusch
Amber Lynn Natusch is the author of the bestselling Caged, as well as the Light and Shadow series with Shannon Morton. She was born and raised in Winnipeg, and speaks sarcasm fluently because of her Canadian roots. She loves to dance and sing in her kitchen—much to the detriment of those near her—but spends most of her time running a practice with her husband, raising two small children, and attempting to write when she can lock herself in the bathroom for ten minutes of peace and quiet. She has many hidden talents, most of which should not be mentioned but include putting her foot in her mouth, acting inappropriately when nervous, swearing like a sailor when provoked, and not listening when she should. She’s obsessed with home renovation shows, should never be caffeinated, and loves snow. Amber has a deep seeded fear of clowns and deep water…especially clowns swimming in deep water.
To learn more about Amber and her books, visit
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~Trailer Reveal~ Ariel Rising by AJ & CS Sparber (GIVEAWAY!)
Title: Ariel Rising
Author: Aj & CS Sparber
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Cover Designer: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design & Photography
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
My dreams were simple. College, a career, and let’s see what happens from there. But things don’t always go according to plan.
My name is Ari Worthington and I’ve had a very eventful week. A life-changing week. The kind of week that would make the average person whimper.
It started when my ex-boyfriend Luke accosted me in the woods.
How badly was I injured? Not a scratch. And Luke? Not so lucky. Nope, I whupped him good. It surprised the heck out of me. And it probably surprised him, too—once he woke up.
And then I met Davin. Handsome, witty, amazing Davin. Perfect in every way, unless you think being an alien, from a planet called Olympus, might be a liability.

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I don’t want to be alone in the guest suite. It’s not that I’m afraid. I just want Davin close to me. I need the comfort only he can provide.
“I’d rather not sleep alone tonight.”
“Ari, your mother—I promised her.”
“I don’t intend for us to do anything that would cause that promise to be broken. Please?”
He moves to my side and places his hand on my shoulder. “Are you sure?”
I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck. “I’m very sure,” I whisper, speaking directly to his heart. “I want you near me.”
“I know you do. But…”
“No buts,” I say softly. “I’m an angel. And I happen to be in love with you.”
He looks startled. He looks as if he wants to speak, but he can’t find his voice.
“Do you not want me to love you, Davin?”
He arches his brow and stares.
I’m getting worried. Did I just make a complete fool of myself? “Davin?”
His poise seems to return and he smiles. “It happened the night we slept on your sofa—”
“What? What happened?” Did I miss something? Something important?
His smile widens and lights up his eyes. They’re sparkling like jewels.
“I fell in love with you that night.”
My heart flutters and I feel warm all over. “You did?”
He nods slowly. “I did.”
“You didn’t tell me.”
“I wasn’t sure how you felt. Love between two angels is a very powerful force. It is...”
“Forever,” I say, completing his thought. “Are you afraid I don’t understand that? Do you think my human side makes me prone to frivolous fits of infatuation? Because if you do, please allow me to set you straight.” I take a long breath and gaze into his eyes. “I am in love with you, there will never be anyone else, and that’s all there is to it.”
He shakes his head and chuckles.
“This is why I love you.”
“It is? What is?”
“I believe the term is moxie. You are bold and fearless. You are spunky.”
“You love me because I’m spunky?”
“Well, that…and because you are kind, and selfless, and brilliant, and very beautiful?”
“You think I’m all that?”
He loses his voice again and just stares.
“Come here, my Padawan.”
Before I can respond, he laces his fingers through my hair and pulls me tight to his chest. “You are the most extraordinary angel ever born and I…I am the most fortunate.”
He kisses the top of my head, as he whispers, “Forever and never ending.”
His words and his touch make me shudder with ecstasy. “Kiss me, Davin. Kiss me like your life depends on it.”
“It does,” he says, as he captures my upper lip softly between his teeth.
Our kiss deepens and I smile inside, because I realize that each kiss we share seems to be better than the ones before, and we have eons of time and kisses to look forward to.
~Release Day Blitz~ The Snow Princess (Book 3 of the World Sea Era) by Matt Larkin
The Sea Princess is determined to drive the he’e from the mer capital. Namaka’s people have lost battle after battle, never able to stand up to the might of the octopus god-king’s army and magical powers. To win the war, Namaka turns to the brutal nanaue--weresharks feared by mer and he’e alike.
But the nanaue live on the island of the Snow Princess, Poliahu, a sorceress quick to anger. If Namaka is to succeed in recruiting the weresharks, she must first deal with this new Princess and her powers of mist and cold.
Poliahu doesn’t care about nanaue or he’e or politics. Her passion is the Art, taught to her by the snow spirits who raised her. Driven ever deeper into the Art, Poliahu is determined to become a sorceress unlike any other in history. She’s poised to do it, too, as long as she can keep the power of the Art from consuming her.
The Snow Princess
by Matt Larkin
Worldsea Era #3
Incandescent Phoenix Books
The Worldsea Era Series
About Matt larkin
Matt Larkin is an American fantasy and science fiction author. He lives in Florida with his wife Juhi and daughter Kiran. With a background in philosophy and publishing, Matt started a small press dedicated to top notch speculative fiction. He adores mythology and history, passions he conveys through his mythic fantasy novels. His works include the Skyfall Era, the Ragnarok Era, the Worldsea Era, and Sins of Angels.
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